Well it isn't a cross stitch finish but it's a finished house that needs some finished cross stitch on the walls . My daughter is officially in her new room and has been for a week. She loves her new bed. It goes up and down and is very handy . This is the beautiful quilt my Mom made for her for Christmas. The colours are perfect in the purple and lime green room . My son received a beautiful quilt also . Will have to take more pictures of it .Can't wait till the warmer weather comes to sit out on the deck . The addition won't be painted till the spring but other than that all is completed. The empty room picture shows you the big windows and spacious room.
Haven't had much time for stitching lately as Elisabeth has had a tonne of appts. but all is well . She had her biannual appt with the orthopedic surgeon is no intervention is required so that is good. My work has updated to medicine dispensed by computer and we were the last floor in the hospital to change over so I had training for that . All these things take time and patience and thankfully we've barely had snow this winter ( although some is coming tomorrow) that it makes getting around a lot easier.
I apologize for the placement of these pictures. I find it hard to change their places. Someday I will figure it all out.
My dear son is awaiting word from his university applications so hope to have an update on that sometime soon as well as finally some stitching progress. Thanks for stopping by!