Happy Monday everyone! Where did April go? It has to be one of my fav months as my bday and DD's bday and springtime occur( well usually in Canada it changes from spring to summer in one day but not this year) Lots of beautiful blooms abound in my neck of the woods. Here is my weekend progress on 'Lo' I really enjoyed stitching this part and again am loving this piece.Unfortunately you can see some of my threads behind the fabric ! Lee is just about at the same point as I am in the project but has a few more stitched motifs at the bottom of her piece. It is fun to stitch this with another lovely stitcher.Next time I will show you my birthday stash that arrived in the mail today. ( hurrah!!)I am reading Jodi Picoult's new book ' House Rules' . Only have a week more to have it out of the fast lane at the library so must get going . Really enjoying it . Must go and tend to DD who has a cold/cough and has been home all day from school .
Until next time....